
Pillows for back sleepers

November 13, 2020
Post by: Sandro Corpina

Back sleepers need a fairly deep but supportive pillow. Back sleepers must also make sure that their head lies naturally, i.e. does not bend forward or backwards, and that their shoulders do not lie on the pillow.

Pillows suitable for back sleepers



Especially soft and soft pillow Slightly supportive pillow Medium supportive pillow Pillow with flexible support
Petite physique Super Soft Premium

Soft Premium
3-Chamber Soft-Medium Premium   All in One Flexi Premium

All in One Flexi Top

All in One Flexi Standard
Average physique Super Soft Premium

Soft Premium
3-Chamber Soft-Medium Premium   All in One Flexi Premium

All in One Flexi Top

All in One Flexi Standard
Strong physique Super Soft Premium

Soft Premium
  3-Chamber Medium Top

3-Chamber Medium Standard

Medium Top
All in One Flexi Premium

All in One Flexi Top

All in One Flexi Standard

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