
Finding the right pillow

December 23, 2020
Post by: Sandro Corpina

Neck pain or poor sleep?
Find the optimal pillow for your sleep type!

With us you will find your perfect pillow, suitable for your kind of sleep. Under the heading "Pillows" you can filter our models by characteristics to find the perfect pillow for your body stature and your sleep type. All our pillows are available in 17 sizes.

We would also be happy to advise you personally: 031 506 15 32 or

Interactive pillow finder with linked models



Especially soft and soft pillow Slightly supportive pillow Medium supportive pillow Supportive pillow Pillow with flexible support
Petite physique, back- and stomach sleeper Super Soft Premium

Soft Premium
3-Chamber Soft-Medium Premium     All in One Flexi Premium

All in One Flexi Top

All in One Flexi Standard
Petite physique, side sleeper   3-Chamber Soft-Medium Premium 3-Chamber Medium Top

3-Chamber Medium Standard

Medium Top
  All in One Flexi Premium

All in One Flexi Top

All in One Flexi Standard
Average physique, back- and stomach sleeper Super Soft Premium

Soft Premium
3-Chamber Soft-Medium Premium     All in One Flexi Premium

All in One Flexi Top

All in One Flexi Standard
Average physique, side sleeper     3-Chamber Medium Top

3-Chamber Medium Standard

Medium Top
Forte Standard

Forte Basic
All in One Flexi Premium

All in One Flexi Top

All in One Flexi Standard
Strong physique, back- and stomach sleeper Super Soft Premium

Soft Premium
3-Chamber Medium Top

3-Chamber Medium Standard

Medium Top
    All in One Flexi Premium

All in One Flexi Top

All in One Flexi Standard
Strong physique, side sleeper     Forte Standard

Forte Basic
  All in One Flexi Premium

All in One Flexi Top

All in One Flexi Standard

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