
Spring in the Bedroom!

May 11, 2020
Post by: Sandro Corpina

Spring is here! The air is mild, the grass is green, the flowers are colorful. The birds are whistling. Wonderful how much power the sun has already recovered. How it warms us up, all deep inside.

We have definitely left the heaviness and cold of winter behind us. We already hung the winter coat in the closet for a long time.

And like the winter coat, the winter duvet belongs in the wardrobe in spring!

What about your winter duvet, have you put that away too? If not, you must have had nights when you were too warm.

No wonder, because it is time for the spring duvet!

The Light line from duvetsuisse.com offers light and extremely pleasant down duvets in 2 of 5 warmth points. They are ideal for the warmer seasons or for those who need less warmth.

Swiss quality at the best price: A wonderfully light and cuddly spring duvet is available at duvetsuisse.com from just CHF 250!

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